Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Eating well when all you do is eat

I eat a lot.  I recipe test when I'm home and that involves tasting (the horror!!) and eating the final product.  I'm also employed where food is abundant and always available.  My weight has had ups and downs, but I've managed to keep it in check.  I've learned how to do this with a few simple tricks and advice from experts.  (However, I will admit that having Crohn's disease is a diet within itself.  My body gets rid of a lot of food that doesn't agree with me without digesting it, so I have a built in diet plan so to speak- however, I would never wish this disease on anyone.)

Crohn's disease aside, here is what I do to maintain a healthy weight:

1.  Wear jeans, with a belt, when you eat.  You want to feel yourself growing out of your pants when you eat too much.  No spandex or elastic waists.
2.  No snacking after dinner/dessert.  I try not to eat past 7-7:30.  I hate going to bed full- I want to feel satisfied when sleeping and wake up hungry.
3.  Make water (not flavored water) your beverage of choice.  I steer clear of soda, tea, and sports drinks.  I drink coffee (decaf) on weekends.
4.  Include lots of vegetables with lunch and dinner.  Include fruit with breakfast.
5.  Try to limit baked goods like cookies, pie, and cake from grocery stores or bakeries.  I try to only eat homemade goodies (not only can you control the quality, you can control the fat).
6.  No fast food- anything with a drive through is off limits (for the most part) for me.
7.  Bring your lunch to work.
8.  Eat what you crave, but use portion control.  For example, I had a huge craving for fudge a few weeks ago.  I didn't ignore the craving.  I gave in and ate a portion of fudge everyday until the craving was satisfied.
9.  Enjoy chocolate or dessert everyday.  You won't feel deprived and go crazy when you never have it.
10.  Limit carb heavy meals and pasta to once a week- it feels more like a special treat this way.
11.  Work out, be active, lift weights, walk everyday as much as you can.
12.  I only eat out only once or twice a month.  This includes weekends and pizza restaurants and take out.  I cook all of the other days.
13.  Try to eat mostly whole foods in their natural form or roasted.  (Think raw fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, and roasted veggies.) Cut out or cut back on prepackaged foods.
14.  Read food labels.  I really look at calories, fat, sodium, and sugar.
15.  Sometimes reduced fat or nonfat = bad.  They won't satisfy you as well and you'll end up eating half the carton of reduced fat or non sugar ice cream.   A couple spoonfuls of the real stuff will satisfy you more and you won't eat as much.
16.  Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go and sip often.
17.  Lastly, life is short and remember that food is supposed to be enjoyed and consumed- just do it in moderation.  Listen to your body, and fuel it with the healthiest options you have.  Try to live by the 80-20 rule- eat right 80% of time and treat yourself 20% of the time.

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